Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My 32nd Birthday and other stuff

I turned 32 this past Saturday. I don't really feel that much older yet :) It was a really good day. I went to my bootcamp class early in the morning, then hung out with the kids. I took them all over to my mom's house to get Jimmy's hair cut and to see my sister, brother-in-law, and their kids. His hair looks soooo cute. I got it cut really short this time....he just had way too much. That night, Jim and I went out with my family and friends to Fast Eddies. Always a good time. Thanks everyone for coming out to celebrate and for all of the great gifts too! Oh, and I was very tired the next day. Jim and I didn't do anything.

Me and the kids getting ready to open gifts
Jimmy giving Mommy her card
Singing Happy Birthday. I was tearing up because Alli was singing so cute!
Blowing out the candles
Trying out my new curlers. Alli put her own in
Fast Eddies
Heather, Me, Jackie, Janie
Kristen, Janet, Toni
Me & Jim
Jane & Kelly
Me & Toni
Sheila, Me, & Jamie
Andy & Toni
Nancie & Chris
Craig, Beth, Me, Jim, Dawn, & Nathan
Kelly & Billy
Billy, Don, & Brian
Me & Kristen
Jim, Craig, Bobby, & Wiley
Me & Janet
Kelly & Jim
Alli loves to 'trick' us and act like she is sleeping when we come into a room. We think she was trying to trick us yesterday and she was play sleeping, but then it went on a little too long. She wouldn't laugh when Jim was trying to tickle her or anything. Then we realized she really did fall asleep on the kitchen chair! She is just too darn funny and cute. And sooo sweet!
Cassie riding her horsey
Bath time today
Jimmy does not like to take a bath at all! He screams and cries before I even put him in the tub. Poor little guy. He squirms, gets up, rolls around. I dread giving him baths. But then he is so sweet when I get him out and wrap him up in a towel.
The girls are pretty good in the bath tub. Here is Cassie all fresh and clean.


Anonymous said...

that pic of Alli is craking me up!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had lots of fun at Fast Eddies. Wish I could have been there. Oh yeah, I was. Just didn't stay long enough for pictures. And Allie with her closthes on? How did you manage that? Fun blog to read. Love Mom

The Goewert Family said...

I am still so mad at Derek he always picks the worst time to get sick.