Thursday, August 09, 2007

Week 14

Wow is time flying! It's hard to believe that we are more than a third of the way through the pregnancy. I really have to get my butt in gear! There is still so much to do before the trips arrive!

We haven't put a picture of Chrissy's belly up in awhile so we thought it was time. She really doesn't like that part too much so I'm afraid the picture isn't going to tell the story very well. She is starting to show now though.

Today we had another ultrasound. Thank the good Lord, all of the babies are healthy and growing. They each weighed about 1/4 0f a pound! We got lots of new pictures of each of them. The amazing part is that they are starting to actually look like little babies now! It's so awesome. Here are some of the pics:

Here's baby A. The top picture is of the baby looking right at the "camera". The next one is the head, body, and arm. Is it sucking it's thumb?! The bottom one is of the babies legs. So cute!

Next is baby B. The picture layout here is the same. The first picture is his/her face. The second is the body and head. In the last one, you can see a little arm in the top of the sack. Another very cute child I must say!

Last but not least, we have baby C. This is obviously going to be the king (or queen) of the group. Notice how scrunched up the first two babies look. They are squeezed together, it's hard to see their limbs (except for glimpses), and we never did get a full view of them. Now look at this one! The first picture is the face but look at the second picture. Look how stretched out this little one is! It's like it has it's own little condo! Tons of room, kicking and moving everywhere. I love it! The third picture is a close up of it's little leg and foot.

These new ultrasounds have us even more excited than we already were about the arrival of our triplets. Allison is even starting to get more enthusiastic. Here is a picture of her reading to her new brothers/sisters. She really likes to show them the pictures too :)

When she's done with story time, she gives them all kisses and tell's them "bye bye".

She's going to be an awesome big sister!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

First Trimester Completed (and other updates)

Sorry we haven't got around to updating the blog lately. I keep saying I'm going to do it almost every night and then I start doing something else.

We did see Dr. Moore again about two weeks ago. We went through the whole 1st visit prenatal stuff (blood tests, etc). She even threw in an ultrasound for us, but she forgot to give us the pictures , otherwise I would post. The 3 babies looked healthy and she said so far everything is looking good. I'll probably still stop working around 9/20/07 and she said the average for triplets is 32 weeks, so that would be 12/12/07. But, since I'm so healthy (pat myself on the back for that), I can possibly make it to Christmas or longer! So, I'm out of the first trimester now--maybe I'll get some energy back. We'll might be different with 3 babies. No more progesterone supplements---I always had trouble getting that pill down! Oh, and I'm getting really big all of a sudden too-I need to get some new pics up. So, on that front, just keep praying for us that we have 3 healthy babies and they keep growing good!

Oh, and one more thing relating to the new babies...
Our friends Dave and Sheila had their yearly bbq last weekend and all of our friends brought us a package of diapers. It was such a fun surprise. We really do have a great group of friends that we hang out with. They are all so sweet and thoughtful. So, now we have a good start on our diaper collection--we ended up with 14 packages.
Thanks to all of you!!!

So.... we've been keeping busy. Two weeks ago, we took a trip up to Lake Michigan with Jane/Ken and their 3 youngest girls to visit some friends (Liz and Dan). We pretty much just hung out on the beach everyday and then grilled or ate pizza at night. Very relaxing and it was beautiful. We've never been up there and would love to go back. Seemed almost like the ocean, but a lot closer!

Allison and her cousin Jackie playing in the sand

Family photo at Weko Beach

Alli eating her popsicle and getting it all over daddy (and herself)

Playing in the sand some more with Jackie and JennyWho would have thought? Chrissy's daughter eating Bread Co???

Now, for some various pictures and none of them are really in order.

Alli playing with bubbles

This is Father's Day 2007

July 4th Fireworks at White Birch Park--Poor Allison didn't like them so much. She cried the whole time with her arm over her eyes and then she fell asleep at the very end

She may look like her daddy, but she loves summer just as much as her mommy!

Okay, I'm done for the night.....