Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Happy Easter!!!

We had a good weekend. Friday night Jim hosted a fantasy baseball draft at Tim and Ann's house (he so nicely volunteered Tim's house for everyone--thanks guys!). Ann came over here and we did the live draft, but also dealt with lots of crying babies. That was a rough night :) Saturday we dyed Easter eggs. Alli was so much fun this year because she really got into it....the eggs, they egg hunt, her Easter basket from the Easter Bunny. She even got her picture taken with him last weekend. She still wouldn't sit on his lap and she really didn't want the picture, but he had candy and toys, so she was bribed into it :)

Easter Sunday, me, Alli, and Ann went to 9am Mass, then to Bread Co (of course!) and then to my moms house to celebrate with the whole family. We missed Jim and the babies and felt bad they couldn't be there, so we didn't stay too long. Just long enough to eat all of the good food and do the egg hunt. We also missed my sister and her family-they stayed in Nashville this year. And my great-niece Cali couldn't be there this year either. My friend Toni stopped by for a few hours to hang out and help with babies also. All in all, we had a good Easter---I'm sure our next holiday will be even better b/c we can all be together.
Alli couldn't wait to start the egg hunt. She was the first one out the door!
Jenna's 1st Easter 2008
Cassie's 1st Easter - 2008
Jimmy's 1st Easter - 2008
My wonderful friend Toni with Cassie and Jenna - Easter 2008

This picture has nothing to do with Easter, but it just reminded me of Alli when she used to wear this outfit. Oh, and its Cassie.

Next up....Jim's birthday and Opening Day---Monday, March 31st! Always something going on. We are looking forward to Cardinal season!!! But, we won't be able to go to as many games, so if anyone needs tickets, contact us :)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ahhhh...quiet at last

This does not happen very often, especially when I'm here by myself :)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Here are a few pics......rough day, I'm going to bed!!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

15.5 weeks

It's been pretty busy around here. The babies are a lot of work and we are trying to keep up with our usual lives too. If we just had a few more arms to hold the babies, we would be okay. They like to be held a lot. Still looking forward to the end of RSV season so we can get these babies out of the house and can show them off to the family and the rest of the world :) The pediatrician told us we shouldn't take them to mass on Easter or to our families, so I guess we will be taking turns going to my moms house to eat and hang out. We can't let Alli miss the traditional Easter egg hunt and Grandma thinking she is hilarious at her 'don't pick up the brown eggs' joke :)

A First Steps evaluator came to evaluate the babies about 2 weeks ago and it doesn't look like they will need any therapies or additional help at this time. They were evaluated at their adjusted age (3 weeks) and were doing things that a lot of babies do between 1 and 3 mos, so they are doing great. We will stay in the program though just in case we ever need any of their services.

The babies are starting to smile all of the time now---so cute and sweet! Here are a few recent pictures...I've been getting nagged on to update ;)


Feeding time when Mom is by herself (Jimmy, Jenna, Cassie)
Allison with her hair just like her cousin Makenzie's
Aunt Annie helping us out again (and holding all FIVE babies ;)) - Cassie, Jenna, Jimmy, ?, ?
A few pics from my birthday party a few weeks ago-Wow, I really am a camera hog! haha!
Me and Jim
Janet, me, Mike D
My sister-in-law Kelly and me
Tracy, Toni, and me
My family (Tim, Jim, Me, Brian, Ken, Jane, Billy, Kelly)

Monday, March 03, 2008

The Clauser Triplets are 3 Months!!!

I can't believe 3 months has already passed. Announcements still aren't out yet and it feels like yesterday I was just complaining and having pity-parties for myself in the hospital :)

We took them to the dr. today for their 3 month appt and to get their RSV shots. They are all doing really good. Jimmy weighed 10lbs 14oz, Jenna 8lbs 11oz, and Cassie 8lbs 9oz. I can't believe how big they are! When you hold Jimmy, that 2lb difference between him and the girls feels like about 10lbs! He is so solid. They are letting us sleep pretty good the past few nights too.....they seem to only be getting up once in the middle of the night. And every once in a while, we will get lucky and one of them will sleep all the way through. It is getting so hard though! I almost think I am ready to go back to work! It might be like a vacation....okay, not really, but I'm looking forward to going back part-time and getting out of the house and seeing my friends and my favorite boss, Scott. (Just thought I should suck up a little before I come back ;)

Here are a few pictures from their 3 month photo shoot....

And my precious baby Alli!!!