Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ahhhh...quiet at last

This does not happen very often, especially when I'm here by myself :)


The Meadows said...

I can say that I helped out with that --I am such a good sister and aunt.

Anonymous said...

yeah that always happens when you have tons of help lol! My night was easy! :)

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Toni, they weren't in a sleeping mood on Sunday night, but I enjoyed every minute of it. The new pictures are so cute. Luv Jackie

The Meadows said...

"You Don't talk to me Mommy!"

Anonymous said...

Awesome, way to go SuperMom!! I am so jealous, I am so eager to hold those babies!! Our kids are still asking regularly when they get to meet their cousins in person. -kelly p

Anonymous said...

They are so CUTE!!!!