Friday, January 30, 2009


I guess I'll call this one "Here Comes the Choo-Choo Train". Alli kept saying that and they were cracking up, especially Cassie.

The kids are learning to wave now...gosh, they are so smart ;)

Cassie and her weird way of eating...I think maybe she is licking the salt off? Not sure...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Welcome Libby!!!!!

Katie, Cory, and Cory welcomed a new baby girl to their family on Saturday 1/17/09. Congratulations to all of you! We can't wait to meet her!

Elizabeth "Libby" Marie
7lbs 8oz

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Just a few pics

Alli's favorite pass time! Gosh, I can't wait until Spring to get outside!
Poor Jimmy has been so sick this past week. He was practically laying in his high chair trying to eat.
Cassie smiling so cute
Bottle time

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Just playing around

Nothing going on this week except for sickness. I was sick earlier in the week and now Jenna and Jimmy got it. They both seem to be feeling a little bit better today though.

This was a few days ago...I should always know better when its quiet in the other room....too good to be true! Climbing on the couch and getting into Alli's puzzle pieces.
Cassie following her 'big' sister
After they got caught
Alli wanted to hold Jenna. She is such a good big sister!
Jimmy getting behind the gate to get the wires from the lamp
Started out playing so nice

And this is usually how it matter what toy, when Jimmy is involved, the others end up crying with no toy

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy Homecoming Anniversary!

I wanted to post this on Monday, but I came down with the flu, so I've been a little weak. Monday was the one year anniversary that our family was finally all together at home. Jenna came home that day and Alli made her star performance on the potty! Wow, it's crazy how it seems like it was so long ago, yet, the year seemed to fly by!

They were all so tiny! And Allison has grown so much in the past year. Thankfully, I got a little bit smaller ;)
We are working on sippy cups...still haven't got rid of the bottles yet, but they are getting the hang of the cups.
So, nothing much going on here. Just trying to keep the kids from getting sick. Jenna got sick last night, but nothing since then, so hopefully she is okay. Jimmy went to the dr. last week for a rash he had on his belly and it ended up being staph....most of it went away with the ointment they gave us, but he is going back today for a follow-up. Still aren't taking tons of steps, just a few at a time, but more often. Cassie hasn't taken any yet, but she is getting a little more daring and letting go more. Sorry I've been slacking on the updates...I have a new addiction...FACEBOOK! And Jim is addicted also. So, if you have a profile or set one up, look for us.....we would love to have some new friends!!!

Monday, January 05, 2009

Just a few pictures and updates. The babies are so much fun lately. They are moving all around...they love to stand up using their toys, diaper boxes, furniture, me. Jenna took 9 steps now last Friday and she just keeps trying and trying. Jimmy is still trying, he took 4 steps tonight. He walks around the furniture like he is so sure of himself, so I don't think it will be too long. Him and Jenna love to stand up and clap for themselves. Cassie is just now starting to let go and gain some balance. She hasn't started taking any steps yet though. They are doing really good with their table foods and we're still working the sippy cups, they are getting a little better.

Jenna taking a few steps....of course, she was done by the time I got the camera out. Jimmy makes a guest appearance also ;)

Jimmy loves to steal anything the girls have. I think the just does it to make them mad b/c he doesn't even play with it, he usually just throws it.
Jimmy didn't win this time...he doesn't know that Cassie can take him yet ;)
We are both off over the Christmas holidays, so we got to enjoy a lot of time with the kids and other family and friends. We had something going on almost every day. But, as enjoyable as it was, I was happy to go back to work today.
Alli loves to climb and do flips on the furniture, even though Dad doesn't like it....
Playing with the helium balloons
My silly babies
I just noticed that a lot of the pictures are Jimmy & Cassie together......Jenna must be off walking around, or following me around because she is such a mommy's girl. I'm guessing she is at my feet crying to be picked up :)

Went to Bread Co. for lunch over break with the family.
All of the twins...okay, so Cassie and Jenna aren't twins, but looks cute with Amy & Ang holding them
Matthew & Michael showing off their cool new helmets! Now its harder to tell them apart!

NYE 2008

We had a party on New Year's Eve...I think this was our 4th year doing it (well, 3rd I guess b/c Ann & Tim took over last year when we were pretty busy with the babies in the hospital). We always have fun and we like we don't have to get a sitter, the kids go to bed early, and others can bring kids if they need/want to. It wasn't quite as big this year, but it was still a lot of fun. It was actually nice b/c I felt like I got to talk to everyone and hang out, more than going from person to person, making sure I said 'hi' to everyone. Alli even stayed up until 2:30 in the morning! She had a lot of fun. And she played so good with her cousins---I was proud of her for getting along with them so good, although I know she should anyway, but that child has a mind of her own :)
Henry, Marissa, Alli, and Lexi (in the back)
Happy 2009!!!!!!!!!!!

Ann & Tim
Janet and I, another great year of friendship!
Playing the cool new gambling game Toni brought over
Is she 21? Can she do Jello Shots??? Her mom looks pretty upset about it :)

Mom & Uncle Dan
Me and Dilla
Janet & Andy
Alli & Marissa