Sunday, January 24, 2010

This and That

Thought I would show everyone what my house usually looks like....we usually clean it up once or twice a day (nap time and bed time), but sometimes we might let it go a day or two like this and we just step over all of the toys, books, cheerios, shoes, socks, etc, etc, etc.....Pretty gross, huh???
Jimmy and Jenna playing with his new Craftsman tool set
I came home from Zumba one night and Alli put all of her bows and barrettes in her hair. Daddy helped her with the back of it. Doesn't she look so beautiful? :)

Cassie has the cutest little smile :) We've been spending some 1-on-1 time together over the past week. We are doing a diaper survey and we have to go 3 times for 2 hrs each. So, we just sit and play and she gets spoiled with lots of treats and time with me. Of course, she did puke on me at the last appt. That was a little embarrassing!
And look how sweet and innocent this smile is......she's just drawing pictures on her Magna clue where the crooked goatee came from ;)
The kids are starting to talk really good now. They can pretty much repeat everything you say. They do a lot of labeling objects, which really helps us out and we don't hear quite as much grunting. Still not really putting words together yet, but I'm sure it will come soon. They do say a few phrases though. Jenna has this new 'trick' where if I get out of my seat to answer the phone or do something, when I come back, she throws herself across my seat and says 'SPOT'. I guess she is letting me know that she stole my spot and I'm not getting it back :)

And finally.....My baby sister Ann turns 30 on Tuesday (1/26). We celebrated and had lots of fun at Fast Eddies on Saturday. I didn't take any pictures, except one on the way home. Jim is always passed out (or at least sleeping) on the way home. And Jason (his brother) is pretty much the same!

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Snow Day!

After Christmas, we got about 2 inches of snow. We took the kids out to play....first time for the triplets. Man, does it take a LONG time to get them all bundled up! I was glad we actually spent about an hour out there to feel like it was worth it. We played in the yard, then went down the hill behind us by the condos. I don't really like the snow, but the kids loved it. I did have fun though with them and went sledding down the hill a few times myself.....probably my first time since high school (which was a long time ago!)

Cassie trying out her new delicacy
She loved it!

Couldn't wait to throw the huge snowball at me!
Time to go sledding....Jimmy being the doorman like usual
Alli going down the hill
Daddy and the babies going down the hill

Jimmy wandering off on his own...I love this picture
Family picture....wish I wouldn't have looked down
Snow Angels!
Let me inside, Mommy! I'm cold!!!


Alli got a new game from Nana called Elefun. All the kids like to play it....its an elephant with a fan and a long trunk and you have to catch the butterflies that fly out of the trunk with the nets. Guess they got bored of waiting for the butterflies to come out.....

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Christmas 2009

We had a wonderful Christmas this year! We went to church on Christmas Eve with all the kids and also Ann and her 4 boys. We pretty much took up the whole cry room at St. Sabina....3 adults and 8 kids! They were good though.

Christmas morning we woke up and opened gifts from Santa. Then we went to my moms house and had lunch and opened more presents. I don't have any pictures from that b/c I'm always so busy with the kids. But everyone was very well behaved and they didn't even have naps. It was a very relaxing Christmas (especially compared to our Thanksgiving!).

Alli looking for the gifts with her name - and from looking at the far side of the basement, we really didn't need any more toys!! They all got so many gifts.

We did a lot of video from Christmas morning, but didn't take many pictures. Cassie LOVED opening the gifts.....Jenna and Jimmy didn't really care too much.
I think they liked the candy canes the best :)
I think Santa did good with the doll house! She really likes it.
We celebrated Christmas in Pawnee the next day at Jason and Kristen's house. It was fun and we had good food there too! Kristen's mom and brother were there too. The kids opened gifts and they played a lot, mostly Rock Band.
Kristen and Alli
Jimmy getting ready to give the dog (Jack) a treat
Jenna making music with plates
Cassie playing with Papa
Jimmy sneaking up to the food table
Alli and Kenzie
Laundry Basket Rides???

Alli loved singing and playing with the older 'kids'

Clauser family-this time with everyone in it!

Typical Day for Mom

Toni took this picture when I came home from work one day. Pretty much when I get home, they all flock towards me and fight over me. So I have to sit on the big couch so they can all fit near me. Of course, its always like this....but usually worse when I first get home from work...I guess b/c they haven't seen me all day. I guess I should be glad they love me so much :)

Decorating the Tree

We waited until about a week before Christmas before we actually bought our tree and even only a few days before we put it up. We are just always so busy and really didn't have time. And I kept thinking the sooner we would get it, the more yelling we would have to do at the babies b/c they just get into EVERYTHING! We actually put it downstairs this year. Wasn't quite as festive b/c we didn't have many decorations up and didn't see the tree too often. But, we got one..that's what matters :) We had to cut a lot of the bottom off to fit it in the basement, so it isn't as pretty as other trees we've had in the past.

The kids liked decorating it. They pretty much grabbed an ornament, put it at the bottom of the tree, then they would take it back off and throw it. Pretty much did that the whole night until we were sick of picking up ornaments and hooks :)

Cassie and Jenna
My poser!
The finished tree....with all the helpers!