Sunday, February 01, 2009

Happy Superbowl! We are going to Jane and Ken's house for their party they have every year. Always good food and good times. We are also celebrating Katie's college graduation today. And we finally get to meet baby Libby. With all of the sickness going around, then the bad weather, we haven't made it over to see her yet. Jenna came down with a cold yesterday, so Jim and I are going to take shifts going to the party b/c we don't want to bring her out or get anyone else sick. Hopefully, we can keep the other kids from getting sick.

In reference to the bad weather, some people may have been happy for the snow, but not me. I don't like anything about winter...except for Christmas and my b-day :) But Alli did like going out with Daddy to play in the snow. They like to hang out and play together, and even snuggle!
Watching my LEAST favorite show - SpongeBob Square Pants
Wed or Thurs of last week, Cassie realized she can now stand up. She is so cute...her legs all spread out like she is almost doing the splits. She hasn't taken any steps yet, but I'm sure she'll be there soon. She stands up and smiles and is so darn proud of herself (and we are proud of her too). Jimmy has taken up to 8-9 steps, but usually its 3-4. He is so cute and laid back...he'll walk when he's ready. He has a little more weight to balance ;) But he tries all the time! He never did learn to crawl. Now for little walking girl! She can pretty much walk across the room and usually chooses to walk rather than crawl. So, I think its safe to say she is walking now. She still falls and loses balance a bit, but she is getting so good :)
Just wanted to add a cute picture of Jenners
The hallway is clear for them to play in, but they are always try to get into something.
Three cute babies


The Goewert Family said...

They are so cute. look at world her comes the Clausers kids. And I looked at that picture and you are so right. Owen does look just like Mia.

The Meadows said...

Very cute, I can't wait to play in the snow with our kids.

Anonymous said...

Cute pics as always!!!!

Dawn said...

The pictures of Jim and Allison on the couch are priceless and remind me of pictures of me and my dad like that. Too cute!


Anonymous said...

I love that balancing act Cassie is doing. They are all so cute. Alli looks so cute in the snow.

Love Jackie

Anonymous said...

LOOK AT ME I'M STANDIN ON MY HEAD IN THE SNOW. IDIOTA, EL STUPIDO. Only kidding. Your wife and I thought it was funny.

Love your mother-in-law

Andria said...

Oh gosh. I love Alli's pics all wrapped around her Daddy's finger! Wow! If only we could experience that around here.. Instead, I've got Mama's Boys! :)