Sunday, September 28, 2008

My babies are 10 mos today!

Wow, where do I start? I know I haven't updated in awhile. Sorry! Last Friday night, Toni came over and helped me give baths. I really wanted to go to the Forest Park Balloon Glow, but we were getting 9 mos pics taken, so I thought my kids should probably be clean for them. And its always fun hanging out with Toni. I guess the baths wore us out because we started watching Baby Mama and we both fell asleep about 9:30. Wow, we're old! Not many bath time pics b/c I was too nervous to let go of the babies b/c I didn't want them to fall.

This is the first time I've given them all a bath at the same time. I'll probably stick to doing one at a time until they are a little more steady. (Jimmy, Jenna, Cassie)
Toni washing Jimmy's hair
Alli washing Jenna's hair
Toni gave Jimmy a faux hawk
Jenna doing her side sitting and looking like a model. Her physical therapist would be so proud :)
On the way to the park for pictures, we hit a 4x4 flying around on the highway and had a blowout and ruined our wheel. So, we sat on the side of 370 with 4 other cars that hit the same thing and all had blowouts. So frustrating. Luckily our photographer had a big Explorer and we were following her. She packed me and all the kids and carseats in and we still ended up going to a different park for pictures. I was upset we couldn't get family pics though b/c Jim had to stay and change the tire. It was just really stressful and a pain and the kids were tired. We did end up with a few good pics though. I'll post soon. The photographer felt bad for us I guess--she didn't even charge us!

So, then the next day we were going to watch Pearl Heart perform at Jefferson Barracks---luckily my family is so great. Ann let us borrow her van so we were still all able to go to the show. I think the suckiest part was that the van is my car and it wasn't getting fixed until Wed and I can't drive Jim's car.
Here is a pic of the babies in their new stroller (Jenna, Cassie, Jimmy)
Pearl Heart rockin' the stage (Angela, Court, Amy)
Alli had so much fun dancing to the music. She was so into it and everyone was watching her be so cute :)
Alli's "friends" (Angela, Courtney, Amy)
So, the week goes on...gets worse before better. My computer broke, but we had the warranty and all was good.

These pics must be during the week when "Ma" was watching them. You can see where Alli gets her funny personality :) And my mom says I never have pictures of her on here ;)
Alli wearing "Ma's" glasses
Alli and Jenna
I mentioned the babies are holding their own bottles is a pic of all of them together
And this video of Cassie is just showing how much she enjoys her bottle ;)

We used to read to Alli all the time, but hardly ever read to the all of them. I think this might be the first time. I thought it looked so cute.
Story time
So, I think they are starting to act like 10 month olds now.....they are getting into everything! Cassie started crawling a little today. She has eaten two People magazines and a Scrapping magazine in the past two days and two of my scrapbook pages....that I put a lot of time into!!! Guess I need to start picking up after myself. Ann told me I should still put them in the book anyway b/c now it will have extra special meaning and memories :)

They all have their own different modes of getting around right now. Cassie is pretty much crawling. Jenna just rolls all over the floor, wherever she needs to go. Jimmy does some goofy looking thing on his butt. He just keeps bouncing and inches forward. But he does roll around a lot also. I also call Jimmy the bulldozer because he is constantly rolling over Jenna and Cassie b/c they are way smaller than him. He knocks them right over. Here he did it to Cassie this morning.
This video is of Cassie trying to crawl and Jimmy doing his thing...

When I was at church this morning, Jim said he was in the kitchen and heard Cassie and Jimmy cracking up laughing. He walked into the living room and Jimmy rolled himself under the table and then he was stuck.
Today I decided I think the kids are getting bored with rattles and 'baby' toys, so I brought up some of Alli's old toys. Her big house, her piano, some ELMO toys. Jenna was really into the piano.
Baby Mozart

Oh, and just for a side note....we went to the Counting Crows/Maroon 5 concert last night. Counting Crows has been one of my favorite bands for a long time and we were soooo disappointed! I think the lead singer was stoned or drunk or something. He didn't sing..he talked all of his songs and they each lasted about 20 minutes! I was so excited to finally see them b/c I never got the chance, and now I see I didn't miss out in the past. Good thing Maroon 5 sounded good. And of course, we still had fun because it was a night out away from the kids and a lot of our friends were there. My camera batteries were dead, so you'll have to check Toni's blog for goofy pics and I guess the rest of the crazy story after we left;)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

No updates.....

Had a crappy weekend, car broke, and now my computer broke yesterday when I was going to update you all on my crappy weekend. So, I can't upload any pics and this short update is from work. Hopefully I'll get a new computer tonight.....

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Just thought I would add a few pics. Today is a great day so far. All of the kids are being good and they all slept really good last night, which means I did too :)

Jenna got her first tooth on Monday. All 3 of them are holding their own bottles now for about the past week....that makes our life a little bit easier. I got our new cool triplet stroller. The other one we used was for the infant carriers and Jimmy doesn't use his anymore, and the girls won't be much longer. Too heavy to carry for the Mom.

Cool....Alli must have gotten ahold of my camera with my big babies holding their own bottles. I usually have to delete at least 50 pictures to get a few good ones. She made sure she got one of her best friends too!



This picture is for my friend Kelly.......Alli even goes outside not dressed! ha!
Cassie just hanging out in her car seat. Whatever keeps her happy :)

Nothing really too exciting going on here. We are getting 9 mos pics (a little late) on Saturday morning. Looking forward to the weekend...we don't have too many definite plans yet. Hopefully we will go to the Forest Park Balloon Glow on Friday night. I've never been, but I heard its pretty cool. Saturday pictures and Jim's parents might come in town. Sunday is my family reunion on my Dad's side of the family, which we probably won't make. Also I may do a walk for Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). My mother-in-law and brother-in-law both have this genetic disease.

The one definite plan we have this weekend is to watch Pearl Heart (my nieces) perform at Jefferson Barracks Memorial Amphitheater on Sunday evening from 5:15 pm-6:00 pm. It is a free performance, but you must register here. It is a Republican picnic, but it doesn't matter if you are Democrat or Republican....who really cares about politics ;) Just come on out and show some support for Florissant's own....PEARL HEART! This is their only show in St. Louis this year. Hope to see everyone there!

Here is a video from last week. Not too exciting, but the kids are all cute in it :)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Dawn's (and Nathan's) Big Day!

This weekend was busy, busy! Friday night, I had the rehearsal dinner. We didn't want to get a sitter (although the kids were welcome, it wouldn't have been fun with them :)) So, Jim stayed home with the kids and I went to the rehearsal at the church, then to the dinner afterwards. The food was good and it was relaxing being out by myself :) Although, I talked to Jim a few times during the night and it wasn't so great for him.

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Meyer

Saturday, I had to leave at 7am to get my hair done, so I was gone all day! The wedding was at noon. Everything turned out great--Dawn looked beautiful (and Nathan looked very handsome too!). I kept thinking when they were up at the alter how cute their kids are going to be--hopefully we'll find out soon!!!!! Yes, I'm one of them people that as soon as the wedding is over, the next focus is kids ;) We took a TON of pictures in different locations after the ceremony, so hopefully they turned out good for them and they have a lot to choose from. It felt like forever for the pictures, but I think it was probably because my feet were killing me from my too cute heels. The reception was a great time! Good food, good music, good friends (and family)! Thanks Mom for watching the kids during the ceremony and Kelly and Jenny for watching them that night. Oh, and my dress was very, very tight, but I think it looked okay and at least I got it on :)

Dawn's parents walking her down
The Vows
The happy couple!
Dawn and I
Ann and Tim
Gina and Brian
Janet, Kristen, and me
This was supposed to be a picture of Jim and I (those crazy girls! Amy & Amy)

Here we go! Me and Jim
Dancing on their own dance floor (Stacy, Sheila, Toni, Tracie, Jamie, Tim)

It's Electric ;)
Amy, Becky, Toni, Amy

The girls (Gina, Kristen, Ann, Janet, Me, Beth, Dawn, Sheila, Amy, Becky, Toni, Tracie, Amy, Stacy)
It's not a fall wedding without apple bobbing!
Dawn, Me, Jim, Nathan at the end of the night! Congratulations Dawn and Nathan! Have a great time on your honeymoon!

And if you are wondering what happened to all of the leftover cupcakes......Toni and Kristen!

So, today we didn't do anything. We had take-out from Chevy's (I thought about you Jack;)...that was yummy. Then I went to church at 5. Jim took Alli to see Wall-E, but he just called and said they left before it was over. It was a little too old for her, so she was getting restless. Here is his sob story for the night. Alli wanted popcorn at the theater, but she can't b/c it has butter on it (made with milk, and she is allergic). Then they went to Wal-Mart and she mentioned popcorn again. He then asked her, "Alli, when did you have popcorn?" and she said, "I never tried it." Poor kid has never tried popcorn. So, Jim bought an air popper there so she can start eating some popcorn. We are just used to eating microwave kind in this generation. Here are some pictures of Alli experiencing her popcorn for the first time---she loves it!
The babies have been soooo cranky lately. I'm guessing its b/c they are teething b/c they aren't tired, hungry, and don't need to be changed. Sure hope this doesn't last long!!!

This picture of Jimmy a few days ago...he was in the living room being so good for almost 45 mins with his sisters and when I came in to look at him closer, he had this bag on both arms like a backpack. It's hard to tell in the picture, but me and Ann thought it was pretty funny.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Football Season

So, boring Sunday season started up again. Good thing I'm in two football pools to have something to be excited about...hopefully I'll do well. I guess this means that Jim will stay home with the kids and I can go out and do stuff or run errands or whatever :)

Daddy and Jimmy watching their first football game together. He even has the remote already! And yes, I do think that Jim is hung over in this picture. Remember, he was at the baseball game last night in the Boeing box where he had all the free beer :)

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Weekend updates

Well, we've been keeping busy lately, but I haven't been taking too many pictures. Last weekend, we made it to the last Party at the Park at Fairmont. We love going to the horse races. We always have so much fun. Didn't win any money though. I thought I did, but then everyone informed me that Kenny won :(
Me thinking I won
Me finding out that I didn't win
The real winner (Kenny)
Me still being a sore loser with the real winner
Saturday, we didn't do much. We went to the Mills and got an outfit for each of the kids for pictures. Got my last 1 1/2 hrs at the pool for the year - that was nice! I rented 27 Dresses (wasn't too impressed...just okay). I think they hyped it up so much when it came out that it was kind of a let down. We also let Alli out of her cage and put her in a big girl bed. She loves it! She has been waking up every morning and coming in our room asking if she can 'play Mickey Mouse on the puter b/c its morning now'.

Alli sleeping in her new big girl bed
Sunday, we went to Brian and Gina's annual Labor Day BBQ. It was fun, but a little hectic with all of our kids. Although, that should be a given now....we always get stressed when we're out, even though they are good, we just don't have enough hands to go around and I hate to feel like I'm pushing my kids off on others to hold. Even though everyone swears its no big deal. Thanks for helping us out everyone :)

On Monday, Jim's parents came over and my mom too and we grilled and ate. My mom and I went to the casino that night. Neither of us won anything, but at least we didn't lose much :) Then Ann and I took a walk. It was a good weekend :)

So, now this weekend. Friday night, a cousin got married. That was a lot of fun seeing all of the family. Today, I took Allison to see Disney on Ice. It was her reward for going pee-pee on the potty so good :) She LOVED it. Kept waving to the characters as they were skating off and she brought her Mickey and Minnie postcard 'picture' so she can show them. When they would look her way and wave, she would hold up the picture for them to see. I don't think she realized with us being almost at the top, they weren't really seeing us :) Jim is at the Cardinal game with some of his bosses in a free beer and food. I guess the wives weren't invited b/c I'm sitting here with the kids, updating the blog.

Our little Alli is becoming quite the singer these days-I'm not really too sure what this song is about, but something about bunny rabbits and puppy dogs. She likes to make up her own words. Bad quality b/c it was dark in the car and the garage. Sorry!

The babies are doing great! They are getting to be so much fun, ALWAYS laughing and smiling. They are sleeping very well through the night too lately. They really haven't been doing anything new right now. We are trying to start them on a few table foods. Cassie is still working on crawling. I think she'll be doing it any day now. She is always up on her hands and knees rocking back and forth.....just ready to go! Jimmy has been tolerating his tummy time a lot better lately and rolling over a lot more. I'm sure his physical therapist will be happy when she comes next week. Still working on Jenners.

Cassie wanting to crawl
They love to sit together and play
Gotta go....Alli wants to watch Piggy Spider Web (Charlotte's Web)