Sunday, September 23, 2007


Big accomplishment this weekend! We got a new minivan---2007 Kia Sedona. We love it!!!! One more thing checked off the list. Off to the Cardinal game....last home game! Let's hope we can bring them a little luck!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

20 weeks and no more work (for a few months!)

Hi everybody! Today was my last day of work--I'm so excited to relax for a bit. I work with such great friends. They planned a surprise lunch/baby shower for me this past Tuesday. Well, I actually planned it, but thought it was a Sept. birthday lunch, so I really was surprised when I walked in! I got lots of nice things for the babies and a free lunch :) Then today, everyone brought in food, so we were able to snack all day. Of course, I couldn't slack too much since my manager gave me a audit to work on---thanks Scott! Sounds crazy, but I'm sure I'll miss it a little bit....or at least the people.

I had an appt with Dr. Moore last week and she said everything looked perfect so far. Then the next day I went in for an ultrasound and she said I won't need surgery (cerclage), just as she thought. When she came in, she also told me I was made to carry triplets. That really does make me feel good that she is so positive all of the time. And makes me feel like maybe I really was 'chosen'. Jim kind of makes fun of me because its sounds like I'm bragging or something :)I'm not posting ultrasound pics because they aren't that great from her office. She gave us 3, but I have no idea which one is which or if they are even of different babies. We have an appt next week at the perinatal center, so I will post those pictures...they are always better.

So, I'm 20 weeks and getting huge. Every time I wear something, I usually decide by the end of the day that it no longer fits and have to put it away for our next pregnancy (maybe;) Starting to get a little tired again, so I haven't been doing much around the house. Jim is awesome! He is getting so much done--he painted Alli's new room, now we have to get new carpet and decorate. He started to paint our bathroom last night. Kitchen is still not done, but I'm giving him a break on that one :) I can't complain because of all of the other stuff he has been doing. We have been searching for a new minivan. I think maybe we might get one this weekend. Also this weekend we are going to a MOMMES resell it sale to see if there is anything to get that we need. I also want to meet some of the people in the group, since I've only met a few. I may attend one of their dinners next week. So much on my list of things to do, but I know I have to take it easy. I started to feel the babies move a few weeks ago, but Jim was just able to start feeling them a few days ago. He loves it! Alli always wants to come over and feel too, but I don't think she has been able to yet. So she just still gives them kisses.

Enough rambling...I'll post a few pics of what we have been doing the past few weeks.

Labor Day weekend, we went to my brother Brian's house for his annual party. Jim had fun swimming! Just thought this picture was funny!

A group of us hanging out at the bar (dreaming of margaritas!)

The next weekend, we went to a comedy club for our friend Becky's 30th birthday. Comedians were dirty, dirty, dirty, but hilarious. Happy 30th Becky!

Dawn, Me, Toni, Sheila, Becky

Me, Jim, Don(back), Sheila, Becky, Dustin, Dawn

Jim and I comparing bellies

That same weekend, we continued on to Nashville to see my nieces big show. We had to make a pit stop to see our friends Donna & Corey and their two girls. Her baby was about 7-8 weeks old at the time of our visit. It was good to see them--it had been over a year.

Donna, Taylor, and Me

Emma & Allison reading their books. They played great together!

They also played dress upWe spent the night at Jackie's apt and then Alli played at the park with Billy and Uncle Bill

Now comes the real reason for our trip. Amy, Angela, and Courtney auditioned for a spot to sing at the Bluebird Cafe way back in early February and they were chosen to sing on Sept 9th. A lot of country stars got their start here. It was also Courtney's 17th Birthday! Happy Birthday, Court!

They did awesome (like always!). The trio is called Pearl Heart and they are going to be big some day! You should all check them out at and if you have a myspace, you can befriend them there.

Pearl Heart in concert at The Bluebird Cafe

From left, Amy (20), Courtney(17), Angela(20)

Sisters - Jackie (mother of Pearl Heart) and Jane
Pearl Heart with their biggest fans!
From left: Amy, Angela, Courtney, Bill, Jackie, Me, Ken, Ann, Jane, Mom

Monday, September 03, 2007

18 Weeks

Gosh, its already been a month! Sorry that we have not updated in so long. It's always on my 'to-do' list, but for some reason, by the time I get other things done and Allison in bed, I just feel like catching up on my TV shows. I get really far behind and things start falling off my DVR since I watch so much Sesame Street everyday, day and night and don't get to watch the shows I tape. Okay, after re-reading that, it sounds like I have a TV addiction and I don't do anything else---I really do :) I promise I will try to do better---I have a lot of people nagging me ;)

Here are the lovely pictures of my belly. These are from last night, so close enough to 18 weeks. I'd say I'm getting a little pudgy ;) I think I've gained about 17lbs so far. I feel good though!

So, we went for an ultrasound last Thursday (17 weeks). Everything looked good with the babies with estimated weights for Baby A (6 oz), Baby B (7oz) and Baby C (8oz). The weights are just estimates, but she did say that Baby C does look a little chunkier than other 2. Heartbeats were good too - 143 bpm, 147 bpm, and 133 bpm, respectively. September 20 is still my last day of work....after last week, it can't come too soon. Only 12 more days!! Yippee! It will be a much needed break, although, I'm sure I'll still be busy preparing for the new babies, giving Alli tons of attention, then taking care of the new babies (and Alli). I'll be ready to go back to work part-time hopefully about April.

For those of you who can't read ultrasounds :0) Baby A is face down in the first one--nice spine shot! The second picture is of a leg, and the third, the baby finally turned around to look at us.

Next is Baby B-obviously not like his/her mother, who loves the camera. We always have a hard time getting pictures of this one. The first one is the baby's face and then you can see both legs together. The second picture is just an arm. Baby C - first pic is baby looking at us, second pic is a head profile, and third pic is the back of head showing us the ears.

I apologize for the crappy scan job---this was my first time and I need some more practice! Jim is going to try to fix it for me.
Other stuff going on....

Jim started painting the kitchen this weekend and cut the grass, put some mulch down. Things are starting to come together (a little). We have been collecting lots of hand me downs and the garage is getting so full! Not sure how we are all going to fit in this house!

Jim's parents (Lynn & Jim) celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary on 8/5/07. The whole family went out to dinner in Springfield. It was a lot of fun. Happy Anniversary!

Cody, Kelly, Kenzie, Jim, and Alli
We had two showers in August....Gina was surprised and Katie was too, although I don't have any pics from Katie's to post. Here is Gina looking pretty surprised! Gina is due 10/14 and Katie is due 10/8. Can't wait for the new additions to our family to arrive.

Jim went to Michigan for a wedding and to visit his buddy Guido. Alli and I didn't have too much fun when he was gone...we really missed him!

Alli practiced being a big sister with her baby doll. She was being so cute!

She even took baby for a ride on the Elmo car!

One more milestone...she learned how to use a bar of soap on her own. We can't get her out of the bathtub now. At least she is clean, right??